Online Distribution

Online Distribution

One API, One contract, and Multiple options

Offering API integration for agents to gain access to different types of accommodation, which include apartments, resorts & hotels. With our strong dynamic and static pricing capabilities, we offer access to the most diverse accommodation options n the Kingdom (flights, transfers, activities & more coming soon)

Highly scalable & capable of handling multiple currency
Highly scalable & capable of handling multiple currency
Simple to integrate with a high success rate for availability search & booking confirmations
Simple to integrate with a high success rate for availability search & booking confirmations
Dedicated tech teams to support with API connectivity
Dedicated tech teams to support with API connectivity
Effective contracting with the widest set of options at most attractive rates
Effective contracting with the widest set of options at most attractive rates
24x7 support team ensures superior service for partners across the globe
24x7 support team ensures superior service for partners across the globe